A lot of people ask me about why I charge a Consultation Fee of $350. Employment Law is different from other areas of the law. For example, with a traffic accident case, a lawsuit can be filed shortly after the accident. So a number of attorneys provide free consultations to individuals because a decision on filing a lawsuit can be made shortly after.

For people with Employment Law issues, the situation is a lot more complicated. Employment law requires employees and former employees to follow a “process” or protocol in order to address their issues. The purpose of meeting with me is to find out where you are in that required process and what options you may have.

The consultation fee is to make sure that only people who are serious about pursuing a path that may result in a lawsuit meet with me. The fee is also based on my years of training and experience to help guide you to the next steps. You are getting the benefit of my real world experience in employment law and other areas of the law. That is why a Consultation Fee is required.

How can you know if you are a victim of discrimination at work?

On Behalf of | Apr 11, 2023 | Employment Law |

When you go to work, you expect to be able to do your job in an environment that is free from inappropriate behavior and other types of discriminatory treatment. When you are on the clock, you should not experience certain types of behaviors from your employer and others around you. Unfortunately, Hawaii employees may experience unfortunate and unacceptable behaviors at work, and this can impact their physical and mental health.

If you believe that you could be experiencing mistreatment at work, you may assume this is just part of the job. However, what you are going through could be more than just an annoyance. It is possible you are the victim of different types of discrimination. You may benefit from understanding what types of treatment count as discrimination and how you can protect your interests as an employee.

The most common types of workplace discrimination

There are different types of discrimination you could experience at work, and while they may not always be obvious, they all impact the quality of your workplace experience and other aspects of your life. Discrimination counts as any negative treatment directed at a person on the basis of his or her age, gender, religious beliefs and other factors, and you have legal protection from this type of treatment by both state and federal laws. Examples of discrimination include:

  • Making age a requirement when advertising for a job
  • Asking a job candidate personal and inappropriate questions during an interview
  • Paying equal employees different amounts for doing the same job
  • Retaliating against an employee for taking maternity leave
  • Punishing an employee for filing a workers’ compensation claim
  • Treating an employee differently for no apparent reason
  • Using age as a factor when considering promotions or layoffs

If you experienced any of these, it is possible that you are the victim of workplace discrimination. You do not have to suffer in silence or assume there is nothing you can do to make this treatment stop.

You can seek justice

There are things you can do that will allow you to seek justice as a victim of discrimination. You may benefit from seeking professional counsel regarding the specific legal options available to you, which may include a civil claim. Workplace discrimination in any form is unacceptable and against the law, and taking quick action can help in your pursuit of compensation and accountability.