A lot of people ask me about why I charge a Consultation Fee of $350. Employment Law is different from other areas of the law. For example, with a traffic accident case, a lawsuit can be filed shortly after the accident. So a number of attorneys provide free consultations to individuals because a decision on filing a lawsuit can be made shortly after.

For people with Employment Law issues, the situation is a lot more complicated. Employment law requires employees and former employees to follow a “process” or protocol in order to address their issues. The purpose of meeting with me is to find out where you are in that required process and what options you may have.

The consultation fee is to make sure that only people who are serious about pursuing a path that may result in a lawsuit meet with me. The fee is also based on my years of training and experience to help guide you to the next steps. You are getting the benefit of my real world experience in employment law and other areas of the law. That is why a Consultation Fee is required.

Unfair competition and its role in business disputes

On Behalf of | Mar 2, 2022 | Business & Commercial Law |

It might not be uncommon for many companies in Hawaii and elsewhere to encounter competition and in many cases, this could prove healthy and lead companies to work toward achieving greater heights. However, there are certain scenarios in which the tactics a company implements might be viewed as unfair in nature. Unfair competition continues to play a role in a multitude of business disputes and studies indicate that these tactics can come in many forms.

Unfair tactics

There may be various types of unfair business practices and companies who encounter such tactics may struggle to keep up with competitors. Examples of unfair competition could include issues ranging from unauthorized use of trademarked material to issues with false advertisements. False advertising could prove a company with an advantage by spreading false information and making products and services more appealing.

In some cases, companies may also be accused of gaining an unfair advantage by substituting low cost products for brand name items without approval. Another common example of unfair competition may involve a scenario in which companies list items that are out of stock simply to draw customers into their stores and offer them substitute items for a higher price. Selling items for prices well below cost and spreading false rumors about competitors are two more examples of tactics that might be unfair and unlawful.

Protecting company interests

Unfair competition can take a dire toll on all parties involved and those who encounter similar business disputes might not always know how best to handle the situation. When facing similar issues, business owners in Hawaii might benefit from seeking insight on the best course of action to take by consulting with an attorney. Such guidance could help a person better understand all his or her available legal options and the next steps to take to safeguard the future of the company through the appropriate outlets.