A lot of people ask me about why I charge a Consultation Fee of $350. Employment Law is different from other areas of the law. For example, with a traffic accident case, a lawsuit can be filed shortly after the accident. So a number of attorneys provide free consultations to individuals because a decision on filing a lawsuit can be made shortly after.

For people with Employment Law issues, the situation is a lot more complicated. Employment law requires employees and former employees to follow a “process” or protocol in order to address their issues. The purpose of meeting with me is to find out where you are in that required process and what options you may have.

The consultation fee is to make sure that only people who are serious about pursuing a path that may result in a lawsuit meet with me. The fee is also based on my years of training and experience to help guide you to the next steps. You are getting the benefit of my real world experience in employment law and other areas of the law. That is why a Consultation Fee is required.

Understanding your HOA regulations

On Behalf of | Sep 28, 2021 | Real Estate Law |

Many people in Hawaii value homeownership for the freedom it gives them to do what they want with their own property. Others prefer a more consistent and uniform approach to neighborhoods and homeownership. For these individuals, living in a homeowners’ association is an ideal option, although there is often some confusion when it comes to HOA regulations.

Can HOAs regulate anything?

Although there are some limitations, HOAs often have broad authority to regulate a number of things including political yard signs and vegetable gardens. HOAs will often regulate the design and color of mailboxes as well, to help maintain uniformity across the neighborhood. Other regulations typically include:

  • Exterior paint colors and siding
  • Landscaping choices
  • Swing sets
  • Home businesses

In addition to fees, residents may also be fined for violating any of the HOAs regulations. These fines can be frustrating for homeowners though, especially when they believe that they did not violate any of the regulations. It is not uncommon for homeowners to simply pay the fines anyways, since failure to pay regular fees or the fines can ultimately lead to foreclosure.

There are both benefits and downsides to living with HOA regulations, and some homeowners in Hawaii are more than happy to comply with the rules. It is not uncommon for disputes to arise in these communities, though. To avoid racking up additional fines or even potentially losing one’s home, anyone who is locked in a dispute with an HOA is generally well advised to seek out guidance from a knowledgeable attorney.