A lot of people ask me about why I charge a Consultation Fee of $350. Employment Law is different from other areas of the law. For example, with a traffic accident case, a lawsuit can be filed shortly after the accident. So a number of attorneys provide free consultations to individuals because a decision on filing a lawsuit can be made shortly after.

For people with Employment Law issues, the situation is a lot more complicated. Employment law requires employees and former employees to follow a “process” or protocol in order to address their issues. The purpose of meeting with me is to find out where you are in that required process and what options you may have.

The consultation fee is to make sure that only people who are serious about pursuing a path that may result in a lawsuit meet with me. The fee is also based on my years of training and experience to help guide you to the next steps. You are getting the benefit of my real world experience in employment law and other areas of the law. That is why a Consultation Fee is required.

Were you a victim of racial discrimination at work?

On Behalf of | Feb 14, 2024 | Employment Law |

Many Hawaii residents have experienced some type of work-related problem at a certain point in their careers. Out of all the possible issues you could face as a dedicated employee, very few can make you feel as powerless as being a victim to any form of discrimination. Racial discrimination in particular is quite possibly the most sensitive and contentious of all these unethical and illegal actions.

Any situation at your workplace in which there is unfair treatment to an employee due to his or her race or particular ethnic traits qualifies as racial discrimination. Some specific examples of these personal traits can include your skin color or complexion, the manner in which you speak, the texture or style of your hair, and your particular facial features. Sadly, there are also far too many occasions when this form of discrimination occurs due to the race of an employee’s spouse, child, or other close family member or friend.

Work-related matters where racial discrimination is most common

It is illegal for your employer to provide preferential treatment to others or to directly discriminate against you because of your race. Unfortunately, there are a myriad of different job-related matters where employees have fallen victim to this type of discrimination, including the following:

  • Compensation levels
  • Promotions and pay raises
  • Decisions involving hiring and terminations
  • Specific types of employee training, benefits or job assignments

A company policy that has a negative effect on the employment of those from one particular race or ethnicity can also be illegal if the specific issue in question has no impact on the business’ overall operation and isn’t directly related to the duties of a specific job. Hypothetical examples of this could include policies that ban facial hair or tattoos.

Examples of racial harassment at the workplace

Harassment of any employee due to his or her race is another type of racial discrimination. This form of harassment can range from passive aggressive and subtle to blatant and directly confrontational. Some of the most commonly reported of these actions in the workplace include the following:

  • Racially offensive statements or slurs
  • Disparaging remarks regarding an employee’s race or ethnicity
  • Displaying racially sensitive material or propaganda

No matter the uniqueness of your situation, if you believe you have experienced any form of racial discrimination or harassment at your workplace, you have the right to seek professional guidance and support. Fortunately, an experienced attorney can carefully evaluate your circumstances, answer all of your questions and concerns, and fight for justice against any wrongdoing and harm you have endured.